Posts Tagged ‘Democrats


How Obama Got Elected?

donkey-dunceThis amazes me.  Former talk-show host and current documantery filmmaker John Ziegler commissioned Zogby polling to quiz 512 Obama voters on a variety of issues related to the campaign… AFTER they had voted.

Ziegler concludes that the picture painted by the numbers shows that most Obama supporters were HIGHLY informed about information which cast the Republican candidates (and party) in a poor light… but were largely UNINFORMED of issues which could have negatively impacted the victorious Democrats.

Go fig, right?

There is a summary of the poll results HERE, with links to the raw data in a pdf file (which I HIGHLY recommend reading, for even more laughs and troubling trends.)

Video of 12 survey participants can be found HERE, at Ziegler’s  While there, you can sign up for news on his upcoming documentary “Media Malpractice… How Obama Got Elected

On an interesting side note, Zogby has refused to do a similar survey of McCain voters, which would also have been funded by Ziegler.  Hmmm…


This is your brain on veggies/alcohol/pizza rolls…

This just in: Oxford University scientists have found out that individuals on a meat-free diet are six times more likely to suffer brain shrinkage than those who eat meat.

(high-five to self)

The study, published in The Times of India (link), also links brain shrinkage to those who consume 14 or more alcoholic drinks per week.

(another high five)

Obesity and overweightness also were shown to be a risk factor.


Well, aside from helping to explain the mindset of your average vegan (ie: poor social skills and grooming habits, tendency to vote Democratic, etc.), this study impressed an important fact upon me…

Two out of three ain’t bad. :mrgreen:


Trash or Treasure? (Politics as Usual)

So, what’s the difference between Democrats and Republicans?

CLICK HERE and find out.



Update: MORE Clinton records delayed until 2009?

Read all about it HERE (clicky).

In response to questions about papers not yet released by the Clinton Library, Sen. Clinton told Radio Iowa, “I think it’s like people think we have boxes of records in our basement and why don’t I just go and get them and hand them over. And you know my husband has never blocked a record ever. He has been the most forthcoming of all presidents.”

I literally choked on my animal crackers when I read that. Good Lord, is ANYBODY else paying attention to this? In the media, I mean!


Smartest Woman in America?

Situation: Democratic presidential “hopeful” (might as WELL be “candidate” at this point) Hillary Clinton turned in a lackluster performance at a debate last Tuesday, and her people immediately began a smear campaign aimed primarily at debate moderator Tim “Just A Darn Nice Guy” Russert. They accused him of lobbing unfair questions at her, particularly one aimed at records of conversations between her husband, then President Bill Clinton, and herself, from her White House years. Mr. Clinton had ordered all such memos to be classified until 2012.When asked if she would release those memos to public scrutiny, Mrs. Clinton stammered a rather weak answer, stating that it wasn’t her call to make, that the National Archives were working as fast as they could to process thousands of documents, and basiclly refusing to give a straight yes-or-no answer, even when pressed with a follow-up question from Russert. None of the other candidates went on the attack afterword, even though the worm was dangling within easy reach of all of them.

Watch the debate (if you have a few brain cells you don’t mind losing) and read the transcript HERE (click).

Analysis: While presidential privilege DOES protect the documents in question quite legally, one cannot help but wonder what Hillary stands to gain from refusing to ask her hubby to make them public. Since one of her largest claims to the throne IS her experiences during her eight year reign-of-terror between 1992 and 2000, why would she NOT want records of said experiences on record as proof of her competency?

Unless, of course, she has something to hide… Hmm…

Fallout: Will Tim Russert go the way of Bernard Goldberg? According to a damage-control conference call with Clinton supporters, he may well be if he doesn’t wise up and play by Hillary’s rules. Read about that HERE (click).

One caller from Oklahoma City said that “the questions … were designed to incite a brawl,” and that Russert’s and Brian Williams’s moderating was “an abdication of journalistic responsibility.”

Another said Russert “should be shot,” before quickly adding that she shouldn’t say that on a conference call. (emphasis added)

No, you should lie. Take a lesson from the Clintons. Never say what you mean. Who would vote for you if you did?

Ladies and gents, let the implosions begin. Mwa, ha, haa.

The random musings of a 30-something, West Texas high-school science teacher. Hoo-RAY.
May 2024


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